- 1ASNB Text File Upload
1. You can now directly contribute to individual ASNB accounts on behalf of your employees!
- 2 Merchantrade Text File Upload
1. You can now directly disburse staff salaries to their Merchantrade E-Wallet Accounts
- 3 Company Event Image Attachment
1. You can now attach images when you blast your company event details in HR2eazy
- 4 Mobile App Pety Cash Management
1. Petty cash can now be managed via your mobile app.
- 5 HR Reminders
1. We created "HR Reminder" to keep you on your toes for important expiry dates and deadlines such as for VISA application, employment contracts and more!
- 1 Manpower Planning
1. Create new position
2. Approval for position
3. Move position to recruitment
- 2 Recruitment
1. Posting & Info approval
2. Interview & Selection
3. Move selected candidates to user Management module
- 3 User Management
1. Create New User
2. Assign Roles, Privileges and Reporting To
- 4 On Boarding
1. Assign on boarding trainings
2. Monition process progress and completion
- 1 Succession Planning
1. Identify critical roles
2. Identify role success factors
3. Identify successors
4. Analysis of successors
- 2 Training Need Analysis
1. Auto generate training needs based on succession planning
- 3 Training
1. Quarterly/Yearly Assessments
- 4 Assessment
1. Quarterly/Yearly Assessments
- 5 Yearly Review
1. Yearly Reviews of Succession Planning
- 1 Inventory Management
1. Create inventories
2. Set inventory as vehicle
- 2 License Management
1. Update vehicle details
2. Puspakom, Insurance and Road Tax details
- 3 Booking System
1. Book Vehicles
- 4 Reminders
1. Set reminders for Puspakom, Road Tax and Insurance
Employee Directory
- Store employee contact details by name, role, designation or department
- Retrieve employee contact information fast.
Emergency Contacts
- Store emergency contacts that can be viewed by all employees
Useful Links
- Store useful links that can be viewed by all employees
Corporate Message
- Post and share messages or announcements (in text and picture mode) that can be viewed by all employees
Corporate Locations
- List down all company offices, branches, shops, outlets and more.
- Add details of each location such as address and coordinates
Tax Information
- Store tax-related forms or documents that can be viewed by all employees, such as tax brackets, policies and more.
Refer-a- friend
- All employees can refer a friend, family or former colleague through system
- Upload resumes or CVs that will be brought forward to the respective PIC.
- Built-in unit converter for measurements such as length, temperature and more